Wool Moon Studio

Small batch, handmade accessories and art for you & your lifestyle.

A Rose Upon Request

✨see the whole collection!✨

A collection of roses, inspired by a request for a flower drawing from my child, followed by a joke that became an accidental commentary on femininity and consent, followed by the passing of an icon.

From swimwear to wall art, from beanies to stickers, expect this collection to keep growing as I continue to feel inspired to play!

"You don't find out who you are unless you work at it." - Iris Apfel

And here I am, working at it.

now available

Wool Moon

Wool Moon

Design Your Own

Helical Knitting
Stitch Markers

A double-ended stitch marker for all of your
helical knitting needs!

(remember to check your email to confirm your subscription)